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عرض المشاركات من ديسمبر, 2016

How to Repair Your Mobile Screen At Home

Create a Responsive Website Using HTML5 and CSS3

Open Ports in Router ZXHN H108N V2 5

Hacking Facebook 2017

Get a Real USA Address to Verify More Web Services As An American Citizen

How to Get a Real USA Address?    This website gives you a real USA address that you can use it in verifying great services online like making good deals in shipment and making PayPal account, and more to discover.....   For registering in Viabox

How To Hack Computer And Labtops Systems

  This video shows us an easy and speed way to hack systems with Linux   How To Hack Computer And Labtops Systems?     You should try and tell us about your try , Thanks...

How To Root Android Device?

Android is a mobile operating system that based on Linux and the root user is an Administrator user, which has all permissions to access to the entire Android operating system (OS). Like other mobile OS, Android limits the app working in the sandbox, to protect your Android device from threats as well as exploitation.   The root user always exists in the system. You can not access to the root user with any built-in feature, so “rooting” is an only way to access and use the root user account.   Basically, rooting an Android device allows apps to work with more access, permissions and low-level system. With the root user access, you can run a firewall on your Android device, as well as remove bloatware, enable tethering internet, manually backup app settings and use a lot of tweaks.  If you want to use a specific Android app and it’s required root access, then you need to root your Android device. How To Root Android Device?   Rooting is a simple and quick...