التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي


عرض المشاركات من 2020

Get 1$ submitting your email address

Get 1$ submitting your email address When people think of buying a new good like a mobile  phone, electric shaver, laptop, or even a bike or a new type of makeup, they search for it first and read and watch videos to evaluate and highlight the advantages and disadvantages of those goods and based on what they read and watch, they make their decisions to buy or exchange Regardless of these commodities, it is worth noting that on YouTube there are specialized channels only for the evaluation of goods and they are known as “reviews or rural areas” and their idea is based on displaying different commodities and evaluating them in terms of advantages, defects, value and from many other aspects. It is worth noting that the owners of these channels are entitled to Make huge profits, and some people even earn from their channels more than the $ 10 million annually by setting up the goods on YouTube. You also can be one of these people and make videos to evaluate the goods a...